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Aluminum Gatebox ...
... is a gatebox that is made out of aluminum material.
  • If you have an aluminum gate, you must have an aluminum gatebox.
  • If you have a steel gate, you must have a steel gatebox.
BacksetMeasurement from the middle of the bore hole to the edge of the door. The two standard sizes are 2-3/4" and 2-3/8".
Bore Hole
When looking at the door when closed, it is the big hole that goes directly through the door. Standard size is 2-1/8".
DeadboltActual mechanism that prevents the door from being opened while locked. A deadbolt does not lock automatically.
Double-Sided Lock
Lock that has keypad on the inside and outside. This is popular for houses with special needs or gates that has large open spaces and can be opened from the outside.
Drive-In Type Deadbolt
Drive-In Type DeadboltHas a small, thin ring instead of a face plate and no screws. This type is used on steel doors which don't have a recessed area for the face plate.
Extension Kit
Standard doors are under 2" thick. This kit extends the thickness of the lock parts to be compatible with a 2" to 5" thick door.
EZ Mounting Plate Kit
Kit that requires no drilling for the M210 Deadbolt Lock. Screw inside and outside bodies of the lock to the metal plates and the plates screws together through the bore hole. Requires 2-1/8" bore hole.
Face Plate Type Deadbolt
Face Plate Type DeadboltHas a flat plate with 2 screw holes. It also comes with 2 wood screws which are used on the edge of the door to hold the deadbolt in place.
Gatebox ...
... is a hollow metal box with reinforcements and openings to accommodate our Series 1000, 2000, 3000, and 7000 keyless locks.

Gate boxes are designed to be permanently fastened to a gate or heavy-duty hinged door by either welding or bolting.

See more details or place order at: PT01 Gatebox.
HandednessHanding of the door. When looking from the outside of the door, whatever side the hinges are on is the handedness of the door.
HexboltsMounting pieces for the screws that go through the door at the top and bottom of the lock.
2500 Hookbolt LockLocking mechanism for sliding doors.
2210 KnobRound piece on the outside body (inside body too if a double sided lock) to grab to open the door.
LatchboltActual mechanism that prevents the door from being opened while locked. A deadbolt locks automatically.
Lever HandleHorizontal piece to grab to open the door.
Marine Grade
Special coating to protect specifically against salt water. Only comes in Satin Chrome.
Mortised Latch
Mortised LatchLocking mechanism that has both a deadbolt and a latchbolt.
PC Software Upgrade
Upgrade for the E-V & E-IV to be compatible with the PC Software/Audit Trail Kit. This upgrade is physically done to the lock.
PC Software/Audit Trail Kit
Kit for the E-V & E-IV. Program your lock on your computer and download to a USB that can be connected to the physical lock. You can also download information from the lock to view on your computer.
SpindleFlat metal piece that is attached to the inside and outside body that goes through the door. When you turn your lever/knob, it turns this spindle to unlock the deadbolt/latchbolt.
Steel Gatebox
Gatebox that is made out of steel material. If you have a steel gate, you must have a steel gatebox. If you have an aluminum gate, you must have an aluminum gatebox.
Strike Box
Metal piece that goes in the frame of the door. The deadbolt extends into this piece.
Strike Plate
Metal piece that goes in the frame of the door. The latchbolt extends into this piece.
Support Pin
Maintains the proper alignment between the lock body, the latch and the spindle. For certain models, it also determines the handedness.
Thumb Turn
2210 Thumb TurnPart on the inside body to lock a 2000 series lock.
Trim Plate
Trim PlateRubber plate that goes behind the lock bodies. It prevents the lock from wiggling and gives a finished look.
TumblersParts that determine the code. Red are for code and blue are for non code.