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Lockey Gatebox GB2900-LINX for 2900,2930,2950,2985

If you have a chain-link fence and gate with round posts, the Lockey GB2900-LINX gate box makes it easy to install a keyless lock on it. This stainless steel gate lock box is completely mechanical and designed for outdoor use. No welding is required so installation is quick and easy! Just drill or cut the holes and bolt it on your post. It will provide a strong, flat surface that you can then mount a Lockey keyless lock on. Compatible locks include:


Brand-New, Authentic, Manufacturer-Authorized,
and Full Warranty GUARANTEED!  check

Starting at: $61.28   MSRP: $87.54

SALE:  $61.28
Save: 30% off
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NOTE: all gateboxes can be use with both single and double-sided locks


  • GATE HARDWARE: metal boxes that can be welded onto a steel or aluminum gate to provide a mounting surface for a keyless lock.


Life-Time Mechanical Warranty 30-Day Money Back Guarantee All Weather All Mechanical-needs no electricity
Google Product Category: 503730 - Hardware > Locks & Keys > Locks & Latches