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Lockey Gatebox GB200M for M210, M230

This steel or aluminum gate box is designed to be welded into a metal gate. It will provide a strong, flat surface so that you can quickly and easily install a keyless lock. The size, shape, and pre-drilled holes on the weldable gate lock box are compatible with the following keyless locks:


Brand-New, Authentic, Manufacturer-Authorized,
and Full Warranty GUARANTEED!  check

Starting at: $51.92   MSRP: $125.57

SALE:  $51.92
Save: 59% off
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  • GATE HARDWARE: metal boxes that can be welded onto a steel or aluminum gate to provide a mounting surface for a keyless lock.

Life-Time Mechanical Warranty 30-Day Money Back Guarantee All Weather All Mechanical-needs no electricity
Google Product Category: 503730 - Hardware > Locks & Keys > Locks & Latches